The Mending Ministry of John, by Witness Lee


In the next chapter He comes as the Commander of the heavenly army (19:11-16). He is called The Word of God (v. 13), the King of kings, and the Lord of lords (v. 16). He comes to execute God’s government by fighting. Some citizens refuse to obey the law; then the police must step in and take them into custody. They must go before the judge and be sentenced. In God’s government Christ is both the Commander of the army to subdue the rebellious ones and the Judge to execute the heavenly judgment.


The affairs of the nations are under Christ’s rulership. There is no need to be concerned about what is going on in Iran. Every nation, including Iran and Russia, takes orders from Him. He is not a king of only one nation. He is the Ruler of all kings. Whatever He commands, the nations must follow. Do not be anxious.

The whole world situation corresponds to His heavenly priesthood. He is working to save God’s chosen ones and to discipline some. You may think the economy in this country is out of hand. You may be worried about inflation and high unemployment. You may lose your job. Nonetheless, praise the Lord! Before you were fired, you may have been lukewarm. By losing your job you have become burning! One kind of firing causes another kind of fire!

Romans 8:28 says, “And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to the purpose.” All things includes Russia, Iran, the economy, your job situation, and all your circumstances. All these things work together not for Satan or Russia but for us, God’s chosen people. All things are for the benefit of the saints and of the churches.


May we all see the complete picture of Christ’s heavenly ministry. He is working in the heavens to see that God’s chosen people are saved, called, and brought in. He is ordering events and circumstances so that we may all grow in life. He is arranging things so that the local churches may be built up and the lampstands may all be completed. By His ministry the dark things are being trimmed away and the heavenly elements added that we may be transformed into golden lampstands shining forth His glory.

If we once see this heavenly ministry, our lukewarmness will be gone. We shall be hot, even burning others!

(The Mending Ministry of John, Chapter 15, by Witness Lee)