The Fulfillment of the Tabernacle and the Offerings in the Writings of John, by Witness Lee

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The Lord Jesus went to Cana for the purpose of attending a wedding feast. We may say that all of our human life is a “wedding feast.” From the time the Lord came to us, He has been attending our wedding feast. As long as we live on earth, every day is a “wedding day.” Whether this “wedding” is genuine or not genuine, long lasting or lasting a short time, every day we have some kind of wedding. Probably you are wondering what I mean by this. To say that every day is a wedding and that human life is a wedding feast means that throughout our life we hope, or expect, good things to happen to us. A wedding is something pleasant, something that makes us happy. For example, a young person may work hard on his studies in order to pass all his examinations. When he graduates with honors, others congratulate him. His graduation is something pleasant, something which may be called a “wedding.” Another brother may receive a promotion or a raise in salary. That promotion or raise may also be considered a “wedding.” Likewise, we have many pleasant things, many “weddings,” in our human life.


During the course of the wedding feast in Cana, “the wine ran out” (2:3). We can testify that in every human “wedding feast” the wine eventually runs out. Wine, the life juice of the grape, signifies life. Hence, the wine running out symbolizes the human life running out. For example, a young sister may think that the brother she has married under the Lord’s sovereignty is a “hero.” But after a while, the wine will run out of her married life. Nevertheless, at that very juncture, the Lord Jesus is present to change water into wine.

In our human life the “wine” will always run out. However, Christ in resurrection never “runs out.” Suppose a brother receives a promotion at work. That promotion is a “wedding,” even a wedding feast. But eventually he will be disappointed with that promotion. This disappointment signifies that the wine has run out at that particular wedding feast.

Perhaps a brother receives a new car as a graduation gift. For a long time, he has been looking forward to having that car. But eventually the “wine” of that “car-wedding” will run out.

What kind of wine does not eventually run out? Our health, our money, and our possessions sooner or later will run out. A sister may be happy with a new pair of shoes. When she buys these shoes, she enjoys wine at her wedding feast. But this wine also will run out. Only what the Lord Jesus gives never runs out.

As an elderly brother with experience in human life, I can testify that nothing in this present life is lasting. Everything is running out. Only the Lord Jesus Christ is eternal, everlasting. Hallelujah, He is here with us to change our death water into wine, into eternal life!


Another word for the changing of water into wine, the changing of death into life, is transformation. Transformation is implied by the word “stone” in 1:42. The transformation in John 1 is equal to the changing of water into wine in John 2.

I can testify that every day the Lord changes my water into wine. Today I definitely experienced this at least three times. I had a sense of death, but the Lord Jesus transformed my death water into eternal life.

Do you know what the genuine Christian life is? The Christian life is a life of changing water into wine. The Christian life is not a character-changing life or a behavior-improving life. The Christian life is altogether a matter of changing our death into life.

Sometimes we are conscious of the changing of death into life, but at other times we are not aware of this. Many times we experience this change unconsciously or subconsciously. This is the reason that we may be surprised at the change that has taken place within us. We may say, “Lord Jesus, is this me? I would not have thought that I am able to live such a life. I am amazed that I can endure so much and bear so much. Oh, what a surprise!” However, the Lord Jesus would say, “There is no need for you to be surprised. I have changed your death water into life wine.”

In the church life and under the ministry, we experience the Lord changing our death into life. Parents may find it hard to believe the positive change that has taken place in their children over the period of a few years. This is the changing of water into wine.

I have the full confidence that in the church life the Lord is changing death into life. We cannot deny the fact that certain things have happened to disappoint us. But I would like to say that I have been quite encouraged with the churches. The Lord knows that I am happy to minister the Word to the saints, for there is evidence that water is being changed into wine in the experience of so many dear ones. This is the experience of the Lord Jesus in resurrection. He dwells in us, and every day He is changing our water into wine.

Consider how the Lord has changed you throughout the years. Perhaps a married brother should sit down with his wife and ask her to point out to him how the Lord has changed his water into wine, his death into life. The brother may say to his wife, “Dear, tell me how you feel about my situation. How am I today compared with what I was two years ago?” If the brother and his wife are honest, they will be able to assure each other that over the years Christ in resurrection has been changing their death water into life wine. I believe that this has been the experience of the majority of the saints in the Lord’s recovery. Praise the Lord that in resurrection He is changing water into wine! He is not merely improving our behavior—He is transforming us.

(The Fulfillment of the Tabernacle and the Offerings in the Writings of John, Chapter 5, by Witness Lee)