The Move of God in Man, by Witness Lee


The New Jerusalem in the new heaven and new earth is the ultimate consummation which is revealed in the last two chapters of the Bible (Rev. 21:1-3, 9-23; 22:1-5).

A. The Eternal Habitation of God

The New Jerusalem will be the eternal habitation of God constituted with the Triune God and with God’s redeemed people (Rev. 21:3, 10-23). The holy city as the tabernacle of God is for God to dwell in, and God and the Lamb as the temple (21:22) are for the redeemed saints to dwell in. In the new heaven and new earth, the New Jerusalem will be a mutual dwelling place for God and man for eternity.

Revelation 21 tells us that the New Jerusalem is of gold as the base (v. 18). This refers to God the Father in His divine nature. Then the walls and foundations were built with precious stones, signifying the Spirit in His transforming work (vv. 18-20). Then there are the twelve pearls for twelve gates, displaying Christ in His redemptive and regenerating work (v. 21). Thus, the holy city is constituted with the Triune God.

Furthermore, the names of the twelve tribes are inscribed on the twelve gates (v. 12), signifying that the New Jerusalem includes all the redeemed saints of the Old Testament. Also, the twelve names of the twelve apostles are on the twelve foundations (v. 14), signifying that the New Jerusalem includes all of the New Testament saints. This shows that the holy city is a composition of the Triune God and His redeemed people.

B. The Mingling of the Processed
and Consummated Triune God with
the Regenerated and Glorified Tripartite Men

The New Jerusalem is also the mingling of the processed and consummated Triune God with the regenerated and glorified tripartite men for the eternal manifestation and expression of the Triune God through His redeemed people.

C. The Greatest Sign in the Book of Revelation
as an Organism of the Triune God in Eternity

The holy city, New Jerusalem, is the greatest sign in the book of Revelation as the organism of the Triune God in eternity. The first sign in the book of Revelation is the golden lampstands (1:12), and the last is the New Jerusalem. Both refer to God’s building.

D. The Triune God’s Flow
as the River of Water of Life

In the center of the city, there is the throne of God and the Lamb. From the redeeming God’s throne flows a river (Rev. 22:1). That river refers to the Spirit. God, the Lamb, and the Spirit are the Triune God’s flow as the river of the water of life to water, nourish, sustain, and maintain the entire city for eternity.

E. The Move of God in the Redeemed, Regenerated, Transformed, and Glorified Humanity as the Ultimate Consummated Part
of the Move of God in Man for Eternity

In the New Jerusalem we see the move of God in the redeemed, regenerated, transformed, and glorified humanity as the ultimate consummated part of the move of God in man for eternity, thus to be a great part of God’s history in His union with man. This is altogether the move of God in His union and in His mingling with man, so this becomes God’s history. The entire Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, is the history of the Triune God.

(The Move of God in Man, Chapter 11, by Witness Lee)