Lesson Book, Level 5: The Church—The Vision and Building Up of the Church, by Witness Lee

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After praying, we must go to disciple all the nations. In Matthew chapter 28, the Lord commissions us to disciple all the nations. In Mark 16, He charged us to preach to all the creation. In Luke chapter 24, He told us to be His witnesses to all the nations. In John chapter 15, He appointed us to go forth and bear remaining fruit. Therefore, in conjunction with our prayer, we must go. The unbelieving people will not come to us. We must go to them. The Lord went forth from His throne in the heavens to come to us. The unbelievers do not know the address of our meeting halls. Even if they knew, they may not want to come. The best way to disciple all the nations is to preach to all the creation, to witness to all the nations, and to bear much fruit. This requires us to pray and go.

When the nations believe and are baptized they will be saved (Mark 16:16). They become sons of God and members of the Body of Christ. As a result the church will increase in number. There will be more called-out ones in the assembly, more material to build up the house of God, and more members to function in the Body of Christ. This is a crucial part of the church-building process. The building work will cease if we are not faithful to disciple all the nations.


After baptizing new believers into the Triune God, we must continue by “teaching them to observe all things, whatever I (the Lord) commanded you; and behold, I (the Lord) am with you all the days until the consummation of the age” (Matt. 28:20). This is very important. It fulfills the second half of 1 Timothy 2:4—that they may come to the full knowledge of the truth. You may say that you have not yet come to the full knowledge of the truth. This is the fifth summer school of the truth you have attended. What you have learned is not insignificant. You have learned the major points of the truth of the Bible. Most seminary students have not learned what you have already learned. They may know many things from the Bible, but they do not know the crucial truths concerning God’s full salvation. Most of them do not know the three stages of salvation, nor do they know the truth concerning sanctification and transformation. They may not even know the difference between justification and reconciliation. However, you already have much truth to teach the new ones. Teach them everything you know. Learn more and teach more. If you continue to learn, you will always be equipped to teach. Hallelujah!

You can pray, go, baptize, and teach. As you do these things, the processed Triune God will be with you. You will be able to bind Satan and loose people for God’s church.


The last thing we must do is to establish local churches. If you are faithful to do all the things listed above, you will have begun to build up a local church. Some people desire to preach the gospel in the uttermost parts of the earth, yet they do not preach where they presently live. If we are able to preach the gospel where we presently live, we will be able to preach the gospel anywhere. If you do not know how to preach, then learn by praying, fellowshipping, and practicing with your companions. If you know how to preach, continue and teach others to preach. In the meantime, study diligently, exercise properly, and develop a good character. After you graduate from college, attend a full-time training to be fully prepared for the Master’s use. You and your companions will be trained, formed into a team, and sent out by the Lord to establish churches.

(Lesson Book, Level 5: The Church—The Vision and Building Up of the Church, Chapter 23, by Witness Lee)