Life-Study of Daniel, by Witness Lee


The book of Daniel covers three crucial matters: God’s heavenly rule, the preeminence of Christ, and the portion of God’s people. In His economy God administrates the universe in order to fulfill His purpose. His purpose is to give Christ the preeminence in all things. God’s intention, therefore, is that Christ should be preeminent. For Christ to be the preeminent One, God needs a people. Apart from God’s having a people, there is no way for Christ to be made preeminent.

As those who have been chosen by God to be His people for Christ’s preeminence, we are under God’s heavenly rule. Concerning this, the principle is the same both in the Old Testament and in the New Testament. Under God’s heavenly rule, everything is working together for our good (Rom. 8:28). This is especially true of the things in our personal universe. Our universe includes ourselves, our families, and the church. In our universe many things happen day by day for the purpose of making Christ preeminent. We need to realize this and be submissive to God’s heavenly rule.

In 4:26 Daniel said to Nebuchadnezzar, "Your kingdom will be assured to you after you have come to know that the heavens do rule." It is the heavens that rule, not Nebuchadnezzar or Cyrus or Alexander the Great or illness or turmoil or rebellion. The earth is under the rule of a heavenly administration. The heavens rule for us, and Christ is for us. Furthermore, we are under God’s heavenly rule for Christ. The purpose of the heavenly ruling is to complete God’s elect so that Christ may be preeminent, that He may be the first—the centrality—and everything—the universality.

Because the heavens rule, Christ is with us in all our situations. When we are sick, He is with us. When we are in turmoil, He is with us. I can testify that we can enjoy His presence in the midst of turmoil and rebellion.

We all need to learn three things: that this universe is under God’s administration; that God’s intention in His administration is to make Christ preeminent, to cause Him to have the first place in everything; and that for the accomplishment of God’s intention, we, His people, His elect, must give Him the best coordination and cooperation. Through our coordination and cooperation, God will consummate His eternal intention to make Christ preeminent through the rule of the heavens.

(Life-Study of Daniel, Chapter 12, by Witness Lee)