Life-Study of Job, by Witness Lee

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After rebuking Job, Eliphaz corrected him (vv. 17-21).

A. Asking Him If a Mortal Man
Can Be More Righteous than God

Job held the concept that he was right, and his friend corrected him. Referring to Job, Eliphaz asked, "Can a mortal man be more righteous than God?/Can a man be purer than his Maker?" (v. 17).

B. Advising Him Not to Be Such a Fool
as to Be Smashed to Pieces and Become Nothing

"Behold, He puts no trust in His servants,/And He charges His angels with error./How much more those who dwell in houses of clay,/Whose foundation is in dust,/Who are crushed like a moth!/From morning to evening they are smashed to pieces;/Without any considering it, they continually perish./Should their tent cord be plucked up within them,/They die, and not in wisdom" (vv. 18-21). Here Eliphaz was advising Job not to be such a fool as to be smashed to pieces and become nothing.

C. Eliphaz’s Logic
concerning Man’s Standing before God
Being Based on Ethics
according to the Short-sighted Teachings

Eliphaz’s logic concerning man’s standing before God was based on ethics according to the short-sighted teachings, which he might have received at his time. These teachings did not come up to the standard of the divine revelation in the New Testament, that is, that man’s standing before God is based on how much of God he has gained. Eliphaz should have asked Job how much of God he had gained, but at that time the divine revelation had not reached such a level. Therefore, we should sympathize with Eliphaz in his limited understanding.


Eliphaz warned Job not to be the fool slain by vexation and jealousy (5:1-2), whose end will be miserable (vv. 3-7). Job was suffering and was waiting to receive something from his friend, but Eliphaz did not minister anything to Job. This should be a warning to us regarding our speaking to the saints and our prophesying in the church meetings. Our words should not be vain but should minister the supply of life.

(Life-Study of Job, Chapter 5, by Witness Lee)