Life-Study of Job, by Witness Lee

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Our God has been processed and consummated. The consummation of the processed and consummated Triune God is the all-inclusive, compound, life-giving, and indwelling Spirit. As such a One, He is everything to us. Today He is the reality of the Father, He is the reality of the Son, and He is the Spirit, not before the incarnation but after the descension.

The book of Romans, after speaking of justification and of our being crucified and raised with Christ, unveils this Spirit as the Spirit of life (8:2), the Spirit of God (v. 9), the indwelling Spirit (v. 11), and the leading Spirit (v. 14). This one Spirit is our God, our Father, our Lord, our Master, our Redeemer, our Savior, our Shepherd, and our big Brother. Galatians 5:16 charges us to walk, to do everything, according to this Spirit, who is in our spirit (Rom. 8:16).

In Galatians this Spirit is the Spirit of blessing, the all-embracing and all-inclusive blessing of the gospel (3:14). He is also the One in whom we have our life and by whom we can live (5:25). Hence, we must live by Him, walk by Him, and sow unto Him (6:8) in everything in our human life. According to 6:18, this Spirit is in our spirit as the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ for our enjoyment.

In Ephesians this Spirit is a seal and also a pledge to us (1:13-14). This One who is the Spirit as the person and whose name is Jesus Christ is making His home in our hearts (3:17).

Philippians refers to the bountiful supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ (1:19), by which we can live Christ, magnify Christ, pursue Christ, and gain Christ (1:20-21; 3:8-14). By this bountiful supply we can count everything as loss and as refuse.

Because Job did not have this Spirit, he was overly sensitive toward God and toward his friends. He had no joy, and he never rejoiced. But Paul, having this Spirit, rejoiced even in prison (Acts 16:25). Instead of being sensitive, he exulted. In 2 Timothy 4:6-8 Paul said that he had fought the good fight, had finished the course, and had kept the faith and that the crown of righteousness was ready for him. Although he was being poured out as a drink offering, he was not complaining but was triumphantly rejoicing.

Job 42:5 tells us that eventually Job saw God. However, the God whom Job saw was not the processed God but the "raw God," the God who had not yet passed through the steps of His process—incarnation, human living, crucifixion, resurrection, ascension, and descension. In contrast to Job, we have the "cooked God," the God who has been processed so that we may eat Him, drink Him, and breathe Him. Today our God is the all-inclusive Spirit as the consummation of the processed and consummated Triune God.

(Life-Study of Job, Chapter 17, by Witness Lee)